Medicaid program of Massachusetts administered by EOHHS.
The Workforce Council is consisting of nine members, the majority of whom are PCA Consumers, that was created by state law to make it easier for individuals with disabilities to find and hire PCAs under the MassHealth Personal Care Attendant program. The Council’s main duties are to create a PCA Directory, to bargain on Consumers’ behalf with the Union (SEIU 1199), and to help inform Consumers and PCAs about opportunities for PCAs to receive additional training.
PCA s formed a union to ensure PACs have a voice in created better jobs, better care and supporting full funding for the PCA program
The PCA Referral Directory is a web-based, self-directed registry that connects people with disabilities, elders, and families with PCAs. The Directory, sponsored by the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Quality Home Care Workforce Council (the Council), allows people who need support to remain in their homes by helping them find PCAs who live near them and have the background they need. Prospective employees can complete a PCA application at no cost through the website or by telephone.
Entity that contracts with EOHHS to perform Employer Required Tasks and related Administrative Tasks, including issuing PCA payments. The Fiscal Intermediary’s responsibilities are described in the PCA regulations at 130 CMR 422.419(B).